The main intention for Ceremonial grade cacao is to leave it in it's most natural state, so you can benefit from all the nutrients and energies.
Besides the healing properties of cacao, there are also a lot of spiritual uses for raw cacao.
She is known to:
* Open your Heart chakra.
* Ground your energy
* Deepen your meditation
* Soothes your energy
* Give a peace of mind
* Boost your creative energy
* Gives your inner wisdom a voice
Cacao Recipes
In this section you will find some of my personal favorite recepies to make your Cacao.
It all starts with the "basic" mix. Just Cacao & water to ground yourself, open your heart and connect with Mother Earth.
Besides that, you can use all kinds of herbs to make your ceremonial Cacao even better or more fitting to your needs.
Always feel free to try out new things!

Base Cacao recipe.
10-25 gr Cacao, Casual dose (great start of the day!)
25-35 gr Cacao, Medium dose
35-45 gr Cacao, Ceremonial dose
125 ml hot water. To get it more "fluffy" you can use a little Milk foamer. Let it all melt together and stirr with intention.
If you really don't like the taste with water, try an (vegan) Milk instead.
Spicey recipes
These recepies are all made with a ceremonial dose of Cacao (45 gr.) you can always put the herbs in your daily cup offcourse.
Heart opener
35 - 45 gr Cacao
Rose powder / leaves
125 ml water or (vegan) Milk.
Get straight to your heart and learn to imbrace yourself more with each sip. Get to a softer you.
Deep meditation
35-45 gr Cacao
3 drops Blue lotus tincture (or make with Blue Lotus tea)
125 ml water or (vegan) Milk.
Intended to deepen your meditative state, can help you get more lucid dreams and guide you on your spiritual path.
35 - 45 gr Cacao
A pinch of Cayennepepper
optional: Cardamon, cinnamon
125 ml water or (vegan) Milk
Made to unleash your passion for life. Imbracing your inner fire.
Wake up.
35 - 45 gram Cacao
peppermint oil/extract/fresh tea
125 ml water / peppermint tea or (vegan) Milk.
Get your brain going strong and start your day fresh
Cacao Cermony
How to hold a cacao ceremony for yourself:
A ceremony starts with making your own cup of cacao. Get your head empty and your mind set on a bit of self-care time.
1. Chop up your cacao in small pieces with intention. You can even start with a litte smoke / sound cleansing,
2. Get you liquid of choice in a little pan and let it come to a simmer.
3. Add your cacao (and herbs if wanted), make sure it all melts completely. Don't let it boil!
4. Pour your cup of cacao.
Find a litte space for yourself where you can be unbothered by anyone.
This can be your own sacred space, outside in the garden, where ever you feel safe.
Put on calming / grounding meditation music. Get a little notebook if you are one to yournal.
Get comfy!
Drink with intention, focus on your breathing, clear your mind.
Relax and enjoy!